Up sizing with a world NO .1 technology

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It is up sizing from Access to SQL Server

A person engaged in duties is a system made with own with the system which it is easy to use really in the world.
If a real system can improve it, I must be that it is Toshi Beth stem.
It is a way of thinking called the up sizing.
We have the results of No1 in this up sizing technology virtually and promote Microsoft and Dell and co-operation.

Merit of making up sizing

I am plain and explain it by comics what kind of merit there is when I do up sizing.
(seen with a big image when I click each image.)

It is enacted in real C/S system so far without changing most of the screens of the Access system of the errand.

Even if data increase, transaction speed does not decline (there is processing capacity of approximately 500 million times).

Even if a plural number accesses it at the same time, I do traffic control properly.

I can take the backup automatically.

Security becomes strong and prevents information leakage.

I can manage the file of Access managed separately 1 yuan.

I manage the server in datacenter after up sizing, and a thin client is possible, too.

I can utilize BI (business intelligence) function to perform information analysis.

I can build the head office, an office, a factory, a WAN system in the remote environment including the warehouse.

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Latest up sizing seminar information

It is up sizing from Access to Azure SQL Database

Date and time Wednesday, March 7, 2012 from 14:00 to 17:00   <<Details, the application is this place

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